Myelin, which provides a covering or insulation for nerves, improves the conduction of impulses along the nerves and also is important for maintaining the health of the nerves. In Multiple Sclerosis, inflammation causes the myelin to eventually disappear. Consequently, the electrical impulses that travel along the nerves decelerate, that is, become slower. In addition, the nerves themselves are damaged. As more and more nerves are affected, a patient experiences a progressive interference with functions that are controlled by the nervous system such as Vision, Speech, Walking, Writing, and Memory.
Usually, a patient is diagnosed with MS between 20 and 50 years of age, but MS has been diagnosed in children and in the elderly. Women are twice as likely as men to be affected earlier in life.
Symptoms of MS may be single or multiple and may range from mild to severe in intensity and short to long in duration.
Complete or partial remission from symptoms occurs early in about 70% of patients.
1) Visual disturbances may be the first symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, but they usually subside. A patient may notice blurred vision, red-green distortion (color de saturation), or sudden monocular blindness (blindness in one eye).
2) Muscle Weakness with or without difficulties with Coordination and Balance
3) Muscle Spasms, Fatigue, Numbness, and Prickling pain are common symptoms.
4) There may be a Loss of Sensation, Speech Impediment, Tremors, or Dizziness.
Fifty-percent of patients experience mental changes such as: decreased concentration, attention deficits, some degree of memory loss, inability to perform sequential tasks, or impairment in judgment. Other symptoms may include Depression, manic depression, paranoia, or an uncontrollable urge to laugh and weep. As the disease worsens, patients may experience sexual dysfunction or reduced bowel and bladder control. Heat appears to intensify Multiple Sclerosis symptoms for about 60% of patients. Pregnancy seems to reduce the no of attacks.
Due to the broad range and subtleties of symptoms, Multiple Sclerosis may not be diagnosed for months to years after the onset of symptoms. Physicians, particularly neurologists, take detailed histories and perform complete physical and neurological examinations.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scans, an Electro-Physiological Test, finally, examining the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Collectively, these three tests help the physician in confirming the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. For a definite diagnosis of MS, dissemination in time (at least two separate symptomatic events or changes on MRI) and in anatomical space (for example, within the Central Nervous System) must be demonstrated.
According to Ayurveda movement is considered to be the property of Vata dosha and there is any delay or dysfunction in the movement neurological deficit is Vata dosha involved. In Multiple Scelorsis the line of treatment will be to reduce the inflammation of the brain cells first and then to nourish them.
Ideal treatment for MS include reducing the number of attacks, improving recovery from attacks, and attempting to slow further progression of the disease. The Ayurvedic treatment of MS is aimed at arresting the progress of the illness and helping alleviate the symptoms. The major aspects of an Ayurvedic treatment for MS include Diet Modification, Life Style Changes, Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapies and Rejuvenation Procedures that nourish and empower the nervous system and Practicing Pranayama-the Breathing Exercises and Yoga.
Ayurveda believes that human body is competent enough to handle any challenge provided it gets the required support. So the treatments are basically aimed at strengthening and rejuvenating body?s own mechanisms for healing. The treatments likeAbhyanga (Oleation), Swedam (Suddation), Rookshasweda, Udvarthanam (Powder Massage)Elakizhi (Leaf Bundle Massage), Nasyam (Nasal Insufflation), Tarpanam (Eye Treatments), Virecanam (Purgation), Vasthi Karma (Ayurveda Speciality Enema Procedures), Pizhichil (Sarvanga Dhara or Oil Bath), Shali Shastika Pinda Swedam (Navarakizhi), Sirodhara (Oil poured continuously on the head), Talam etc are done in treating MS. However these therapies should be done only?at a proper Ayurvedic facility under the supervision of a Qualified and Eminent Ayurvedic doctor.
Pranayama or The Breathing Exercises is one thing that invariably helps a multiple sclerosis sufferer. Almost 80% of oxygen we breathe is utilized by the nervous system. So deep breathing refreshes the nerves and improves the mood.
We give the Best Treatments for ?Multiple Sclerosis? with High Success Rates at Dr. Kranthi?s Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, 3-6-101/1, St No: 19, Basheerbagh, Hyd-29. Contact Dr Kranthi R Vardhan on 9246166636 for Appointments, Evaluation and Treatments. Visit us at or write to us at
Dr KRANTHI VARDHAN RENUKUNTLA BAMS; MS (Psycho Therapy & Counseling); (MBA) have started Dr Kranthi?s Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Specialty Panchakarma Centre, in the year 1999 with an aim to provide high quality, personalized, compassionate & Purest hands-of Ayurveda (The Mother Of All The Sciences).
His holistic approach enables him to create individualized programs, specifically tailored to your particular needs, integrating into your Ayurvedic Consultation, Nutritional and Life Style Counseling, Herbal Nutrition, Ayurvedic Therapies, Therapeutic Kerala Special Kalari Massages, depending on your specific situation and goals. He is clinically trained to offer full Panchakarma programs and Panchakarma Therapies, and personally guide and supervise your process throughout your Treatments.
Dr KRANTHI VARDHAN has been instrumental in spreading the awareness of Ayurveda & educating the masses through a Live Interaction Programme ?MEET YOUR DOCTOR? between the Doctor and the Patient in a Popular News Channel called TV9. He was the only Ayurvedic Doctor endorsed for the Programme for almost 4 years, in which period he have talked about Ayurveda and the Disease Management & Rejuvenations in almost 120 programme?s which were ?aired live and thus was able to spread the awareness of Ayurveda to the society. After seeing success in Tv9 he had similar programmes in all the channels like ETV, GEMINI, TV5, HYTV, NTV and Zee Telugu etc thus he was a part of spreading Ayurveda to each and every corner of the state of Andhra Pradesh.
He has Achieved Success in treating The Spine and its Ailments without surgery for over 36000 patients till to date without any recurrence & complication. He is not only a master in treating the spine but also in Treating the following Chronic, Uncurable and Debilitating ailments using Ayurveda & Panchakarma principles & procedures through Research.
He has reinvented the concept of MERU CHIKITSA- Ancient Ayurvedic Spinal and Neuro Therapy and has been practicing it for the betterment of the society thus treating spinal disorders from the gross root level. It further enables patients to return to more active Life Styles.
Dr Kranthi R Vardhan is a registered doctor in a website on Ayurveda, where doctors are on a platform discussing varied cases and experiences ? He is voted as the No. 1 doctor among 2600 odd doctors for giving genuine, best and appropriate answers in all the discussions; voting is done by all the fellow doctors and the patients (43000) registered on the site.
He has published several articles (More than 250 Articles) on Ayurveda and Panchakarma, both on Local and National Publications like Deccan Chronicle, Hindu, Andhra Jyothi, Eenadu, and Vaartha News Papers etc. He has also participated in many National & International Seminars presenting many papers.
He is already established and well known in Hyderabad & India and offering and helping people with all sorts of medical or health problems successfully. He has put his vast knowledge to offer solutions to modern health problems effectively. He asserts that he will continue to perceive Ayurveda throughout his life.
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