Edward C. Geehr, M.D., Lifescript Chief Medical officer
We have trillions of bacteria in and on our body ? and they?re actually good for us. The bugs in our gut help with digestion. Those on our skin maintain a healthy balance that helps to shield against destructive bacterial interlopers.
But parasites are another matter. Until now, no known parasite has been thought to be good for our health. Now, researchers have discovered the beneficial potential of a pig parasite called the whipworm.
Parasites may help with the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases such as Crohn?s disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis in the developed world. Same goes for other immune-based disorders, such as asthma, which increased in children by 28% between 1999 and 2009.
These types of immune-mediated diseases remain rare in less-developed countries. Environmental changes may be the reason. While some researchers blame various chemicals found in the environment, many scientists think it may be hygiene.
Essentially, our environment has become too clean, they claim. One of the most significant immunologic changes is the virtual eradication of intestinal parasites.
In agrarian cultures, people are constantly exposed to bacteria and parasites. Over one-third of the world?s population has intestinal parasites. Routine exposure to pathogens in our environment helps to regulate the immune system, according to the hygiene hypothesis. In the case of asthma, the immune system reacts abnormally to certain naturally occurring allergens, such as animal dander, plant pollens and fungal spores.
Migration to the cities and suburbs in the developed world decreased intestinal infections. Without ?training? of the immune system by exposure to various bacteria and parasites during childhood, the immune system can be inclined to over-react or become misdirected.
Even worse, in autoimmune disorders, the immune system perceives your own cells as foreign material and attacks, leading to organ system destruction and failure.? Multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, Crohn?s and rheumatoid arthritis are all examples of the immune system turned against the person?s own cells, attacking and destroying important tissues.
Numerous animal studies supported the notion that exposure to parasites could prevent some of these devastating auto-immune disorders. The studies suggested that exposure to parasites may prevent or treat human disease.
Based on these observations, University of Iowa researchers found a safe parasite to test in humans.? They selected a pig whipworm, whose eggs can hatch in the human intestine, but cause no disease.? In other words, it might trigger the desired ?reset? of the immune system without itself posing any risk of infection.
Early trials consisting of oral administration of a concoction of 2,500 microscopic whipworm eggs in a liquid slurry every other weeks for 24 weeks have shown that they?re not only safe but appear to lessen the symptoms of both Crohn?s disease and ulcerative colitis. Follow-up trials are being conducted.
Another area of interest is in multiple sclerosis. One human trial published in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal, showed brain lesions decreased in four of five patients three months into treatment, and rebounded two months after it ended.
So it appears that parasitic therapy helps to rebalance the immune system. Ongoing trials should help to further define the effectiveness of the treatment across a number of immune-system disorders.
Would you eat worms for better health??
Source: http://healthbistro.lifescript.com/2012/02/28/eat-worms-for-better-health/
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